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How To Identify Wasp Nests


Wasps would be nothing more than a nuisance if you were just encountering them every once in a while. However, the real threat posed by these insects is their nest. Wasps fiercely defend their nests, and attack in swarms stinging any interloper multiple times. To make matters worse, wasp venom is very dangerous when it is injected in large quantities. This is why it’s so important to identify wasp nests early on and have them removed by a pro. Let’s take a look at how you can spot a wasp nest.

Common Wasp Nest Locations

Wasp nests will have different locations depending on the species responsible for building the nest. Paper wasps for example will build their colonies high above the ground, such as in trees, or under the eaves of the home. Yellow jackets on the other hand prefer to build their nest on or under the ground.

What Wasp Nests Look Like

The appearance of the wasp nest will ultimately depend on the species that you are dealing with. For example, paper wasps build large, horizontal, open honeycomb structures while yellow jackets will build cocoon like structures. In terms of materials, wasp nests usually have a paper-like texture and material. This is because the material used to build the nest is made up of wood and wasp saliva.

How Wasp Nests Are Removed

The wasp nest removal process will differ based on several factors. First, the species responsible for the nest will play a part in how the wasp nest is removed. Open wasps can be sprayed with insecticides that will just kill off the wasps, while enclosed nests will have to be treated when the wasps are inactive.

The location of the nest will also play a part. If the nest is located outdoors, and is accessible, then dry or liquid insecticides can be used, but if the nest is located inside a wall void or in a hard to reach area, gaseous or dust insecticides may have to be used. Ultimately, the pest control pro that you are working with will instruct you about the various options that you have at your disposal and their costs, and you will be able to choose the one that works best for you.

Contact us today if you have any questions about the wasp nest removal process, or if you have a wasp nest on your property that needs to be removed.